Thursday, September 2, 2010

What I do at Work

Everything at work is in shambles. I've been mostly helping build those huge Home Depot racks pallets can go on. We finished the last row today, and that felt good. Here's me in our huge storeroom after all four rows got assembled.

Did I mention the entire SLO lab could have fit into this one room?

While putting the racks together, I added some decoration to a big old air vent up top.

My main task now is to find a free desk on Craigslist. This room has not enough tables in it, and my stuff is still sitting on the floor, and I hate that. I want to be moved in.

Oh, and when I got home today, the house smelled like weird Asian food. It's very slightly off-putting. Oh, well, it's cheap and the Internet is the fastest connection I've ever experienced in a home. 

I'm pretty frustrated right now with my room not being very good, with the weird smell in the house, with the weekend coming and me not having any plans or anything to do. When frustration strikes, there's really only one thing to do: go to the gym.

1 comment:

  1. This weekend you can pick a city or an area and explore it. Find a Trader Joe's. We will live in the city that has a Trader Joe's. Or find the Atascadero there and explore it. See if it is perfect for us.
    Plus you should make an effort to make plans tomorrow with work people. You are not the only person there that does not have anyone. A bunch of people moved there alone. Please don't be alone. I can't stand that you have no one there. It hurts my heart. I love you. My love is with you. You carry my heart, it's yours.
    I hope that you feel loved and wanted, because you are. So very wanted right now, at 9:45 this Thursday night.
