Thursday, September 2, 2010

Off to a Bad Start, Plus Why Move to Colorado

I'm almost certain the window in my room faces east. Why? Because the stupid curtains do zero to block the blazing sunlight from marching into my room like the cast of Reno 911, demanding to know what's going on around here.

The existing curtains are hung on a piece of string tied to two nails on either side of the window.

Cassandra, please fix this. It sucks.

Actually, I have a possible fix. I'm thinking window shades like those you might use in your car could go in there. Maybe trucker shades, since they're bigger. I feel like the cost to light-blockage would be pretty good.

Oh, and since Angel asked, here's the whole story on why move: The company I work for decided to move here for cost reasons. Rent's cheaper, and since it's in the middle of the country, shipping's cheaper. Shipping's a huge part of what we do, so this is gonna be a huge cost saver. Also, the building we moved into has some five times the square footage. I mentioned yesterday the storeroom could have fit the entire old lab.

So the job market in San Luis Obispo's insane. Since finding out ProDPI was moving, I'd applied at maybe ten jobs, and only heard back from one which I didn't hear back from again. Ultimately, looking at apartments and schools and the arts in the area, we decided moving here is a pretty good idea.

Now, I didn't want to move my entire family out here into a house that sucked or a neighborhood that sucked, so I moved out first. I'm renting a room from an Asian guy, and there are at least two more Asian guys floating around the house somewhere. It's a six-bedroom house in a great neighborhood, with lots of stuff nearby, including the YMCA and my job.

The plan is to troll around the cities and neighborhoods in the area, looking for a community I want to live in, a school I want the girl to go to. They'll move out here in about two months and we'll be a family again.

1 comment:

  1. We are a family now. It just seems like we are broken because we are 1200 miles apart. But we are definitely still a family because there is a piece of each of our hearts with the other.
